Saturday, 20 April 2019

E-Content development by Xerte

Xerte is an Open Source content creation tool. Xerte was developed by the University of Nottingham supported by JISC Techdis.

the desktop version allows to export content as a zip file (a self-contained web site).
create sequences of on-line learning activities
activities can be arranged in any order and sequences can be branched
display images, sounds, and movies (FLV, flash, iSpring Movie, Jing Movie, etc)
add simple quizzes using various question types: multiple choice, multiple response, filling the gap, etc.
interactive components: hotspot image, Button sequence, drag and drop labelling, etc.
the presentation of the output can be changed easily by the viewers: colour scheme (red, blue, green, high contrast), screen size (large, full screen, full window), text font, text size and volume.
embed Google Map, YouTube clip, Delicious bookmarks, QR code.

E-Content Development by eXe learning

eXe stands for e-learning xhtml editor, an authoring application to assist teachers and academics in the publishing of web content without the need to become proficient in HTML or XML markup languages. eXe grew out of the New Zealand Government Tertiary Education Commission's eCollaboration Fund and was led by the University of Auckland, The Auckland University of Technology, and Tairawhiti Polytechnic. 

exported in IMS Content Package, SCORM 1.2, or IMS Common Cartridge formats or as simple self-contained web pages
create sequences of on line learning activities
activities can be arranged in any order and sequences can be branched
display equations, images and media files (Quicktime, WMV and Real Media video files)
simple Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and quizzes using various question types: multiple choice, multiple response, true-false
the presentation of the output can be displayed using a range of available stylesheets (appearances)

Downloading and Installation Process of eXe learning for windows operating system

Step-1: Type eXe learning at Google search engine and choose

 Step-2: Choose Install version

 Step-3: Installation Process will be started after choosing the circle.

Step-4: installation Process

Pre-Active Teaching phase or Pedagogical Design phase for e-content development 

In this phase we develop a subject tree for our target audience.

Step-5: This is the step for develop a subject tree ( Border to narrower ). At first save the preferences for language and Browser setting.

Step-6: In this step I create a subject tree which is shown at the left side of the main screen i,e; outline. I change the Home circle.

Step-7:  Rename the Home and add a new name ( Border to narrower )

Interactive Teaching phase

In this phase I create content, upload image, video,various task( MCQ, Quiz, True- False etc.)

Step-8: In this step I create a Free Text under Teaching and Instruction by clicking Textual Information and then click Free Text buttom.

Step-9: Insert image

Step-10: Create MCQ by clicking Multi-Choice under Interactive activities.

Step-11: Choose correct option at the right side by clicking correct option bottom.

Step-12 :Now fill up the properties and save it.

Step-13: Now Export the file as self content website

Step-14: Save it

Step-15: Open the circle file and click Index file.

Step-16:- This is the final e-content page

E-Content development by Xerte

Xerte is an Open Source content creation tool. Xerte was developed by the University of Nottingham supported by JISC Techdis. Featur...